10 Must-Know Useful Expressions for Fluent Everyday Conversations


  1. Expression: "How's it going?"
  2. Meaning: Asking about someone's well-being or current situation. Small Talk: "Hey there! How's it going? How was your weekend?"

  1. Expression: "What's up?"

  2. Meaning: Asking what someone is doing or how they are feeling. Small Talk: "Hey, what's up? Have any exciting plans for the day?"

  1. Expression: "Long time no see!"

  2. Meaning: Expressing that it's been a while since you last met. Small Talk: "Hello! Long time no see! How have you been?"

  1. Expression: "Break a leg!"

  2. Meaning: Wishing someone good luck or success. Small Talk: "You've got that interview today, right? Break a leg!"

  1. Expression: "Bite off more than you can chew"

  2. Meaning: Taking on a task that is too big to handle. Small Talk: "I think I've bitten off more than I can chew with this project."

  1. Expression: "Hit the hay"

  2. Meaning: Going to bed or going to sleep. Small Talk: "It's getting late. Time to hit the hay!"

  1. Expression: "It's a piece of cake"

  2. Meaning: Referring to something as easy or simple. Small Talk: "Did you find that math problem difficult?" "Nah, it was a piece of cake."

  1. Expression: "A penny for your thoughts"

  2. Meaning: Asking someone what they are thinking or their opinion. Small Talk: "You seem lost in thought. A penny for your thoughts?"

  1. Expression: "The ball is in your court"

  2. Meaning: It's your turn to take action or make a decision. Small Talk: "We've discussed the options. Now the ball is in your court."

  1. Expression: "Break the ice"

  2. Meaning: To initiate or start a conversation with someone. Small Talk: "I always find it a bit challenging to break the ice at networking events."


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