Casual Conversations: A Spoken English Lesson


In everyday life, casual conversations are the backbone of human interaction. They're the bridge to forming connections, sharing stories, and making plans. Learning informal expressions and useful phrases is key to engaging in relaxed and authentic dialogue. In this lesson, we'll explore ten conversations in various situations, sprinkled with informal and useful expressions.

Conversation 1: Meeting a Friend

A: Hey! Long time no see! B: Yeah, it's been ages. How have you been?

Useful Expressions:

  • Long time no see!
  • It's been ages.

Conversation 2: Catching Up

A: What's new with you? B: Not much, just working and trying to stay busy.

Useful Expressions:

  • What's new with you?
  • Not much.

Conversation 3: Making Plans

A: Want to grab some coffee later? B: Sure, that sounds great!

Useful Expressions:

  • Want to (do something) later?
  • Sure, that sounds great!

Conversation 4: Expressing Surprise

A: Guess what? B: What happened?

Useful Expressions:

  • Guess what?
  • What happened?

Conversation 5: Agreeing and Confirming

A: The movie was awesome, right? B: Absolutely! I loved it.

Useful Expressions:

  • (Expressing agreement) Absolutely!
  • (Expressing agreement) I loved it.

Conversation 6: Expressing Disbelief

A: You won the lottery? Seriously? B: I know, it's unbelievable!

Useful Expressions:

  • Seriously?
  • It's unbelievable!

Conversation 7: Apologizing

A: I'm sorry for being late. B: No worries, it happens.

Useful Expressions:

  • I'm sorry for (doing something).
  • No worries, it happens.

Conversation 8: Asking for Help

A: Could you lend me a hand with this? B: Of course, I'll be happy to help.

Useful Expressions:

  • Could you (do something)?
  • Of course, I'll be happy to help.

Conversation 9: Complimenting

A: That outfit looks fantastic on you! B: Aw, thanks! You're too kind.

Useful Expressions:

  • That (something) looks fantastic on you!
  • Aw, thanks!

Conversation 10: Saying Goodbye

A: Catch you later! B: Bye! Take care.

Useful Expressions:

  • Catch you later!
  • Bye! Take care.

Useful Expressions Recap:

  1. Long time no see!
  2. It's been ages.
  3. What's new with you?
  4. Not much.
  5. Want to (do something) later?
  6. Sure, that sounds great!
  7. Guess what?
  8. What happened?
  9. Absolutely!
  10. I loved it.
  11. Seriously?
  12. It's unbelievable!
  13. I'm sorry for (doing something).
  14. No worries, it happens.
  15. Could you (do something)?
  16. Of course, I'll be happy to help.
  17. That (something) looks fantastic on you!
  18. Aw, thanks!
  19. Catch you later!
  20. Bye! Take care.

Learning and using these expressions will make your casual conversations feel more natural and enjoyable. Practice them with friends, and soon you'll be effortlessly engaging in relaxed and informal discussions!


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